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Importance of mobile phone


Importance of mobile phone in human life

Nowadays mobile phones are everywhere and with anyone. Whether it is office, hospital, shopping mall, roads or just the home. It is a efficient communication devices which makes life easier. Whether locating a friend or following up with a new contact, mobile phones allow you to connect to people in any part of the world. From time to time mobile-phones are constantly made to meet the needs of consumers and now have multi functional tools that may be useful in everyday life. So today in this blog we are going to discuss about the importance of mobile phone in human life, in daily life and mainly in a student’s life.

Importance of mobile phone in human life

Today, they are indispensable communications accessories worldwide. This hand sized product is needed for every category of people like youngsters, adult, women, students, old people and even children also. Having a mobile in your hand is like having this whole world with you.

Before jumping to the main topic lets discuss why a mobile phone is used:

Mobile phones are used for a variety of purposes, such as keeping in touch with family members, for conducting business, and in order to have access to a telephone in the event of an emergency. Nowadays these are capable of much more than just sending and receiving phone calls. In today’s world it allows users to send and receive text messages, emails, photos and video as well as access the Internet, play games, listen to music, use GPS (Global Positioning Systems) and more.

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Now let’s come to the topics:

Importance of mobile phone in human life


The main importance of a mobile phone in human life is to allow you to talk to another person from where ever you are. You can place and receive calls and messages by simply pressing a person’s name in your contact list, eliminating the need for memorization or a separate address book. It connects to people in other countries, helps family and friends who are from far from one another stay in touch.


At the time of emergencies mobile phone must needed thing. When you get into a car accident or are in trouble, you can use your mobile phones to call 911. Some mobile phone companies now include panic buttons and GPS tracking devices in phones, making it easier for people to be reached and to reach responders with just a press of a button.


Mobile phones are also important because they allow you to store data. Pictures, text and audio can be stored on many mobile phones.


Aside from communicating, mobile phones are important because of their entertainment features. Some phones may have the ability to play video, audio enabling you to watch clips or movies while on the go.


Mobile phones help organizations stay on top of businesses 24/7. Mobile phones allow business men and women to conduct business on the road, in the air, and anywhere else that has a cell signal, at any time of day.


Mobile phone applications extend the functionality of mobile phones. Mobile phone applications include alarm clocks, calculators and converters, all of which may help your productivity.

Importance of mobile phone in student life

Mobile phones are equally popular among young adults. This hand-sized technological advancement provides maximum assistance to youngsters in their academic as well as personal lives. The latest mobile phones have several technological features including photography, internet browsing, video games, text messaging, e-mail, multimedia messaging, video chatting, video calling, voice communication, and wireless communication like Bluetooth, etc.  These advancements facilitate all users however, it proves to be really helpful for students. Advantages of cell phones for students are discussed below which explain the importance of cell phones during student life:


We can evaluate one individual by how much ability he has to make contact with other. Students can stay in touch with their classmates, discuss their concerns and questions as well as plan group studies. Mobiles phones also made it much easier to be in social media. The student really needs their availability in social media because it helps them to get in touch with higher officials which make them get better career.


In education mobile phones are very helpful for students. Students can attend online IQ test which sharpens their intellect and helps them remain in contact with the latest technologies, applications, and researches. The only needed things are mobile phones and data. It really saves their time and makes them read more things and attain more marks.


If the parent really wants to sow the responsibility to their children fine thing is to gift one mobile phone. So by taking care of the product, they can attain responsibility and when coming to recharge they will understand the value of money.


After studies and their busy classes’ students really want some relax. So, mobile phone makes this as possible. Playing games, music and videos, etc. will provide the different feel. So, we need better brands for better device and brands like Samsung, Nokia etc. are providing a better quality. It provides entertainment in their leisure time. They can watch their favorite content on mobile phones or play games.

Importance of Mobile Phones in our Daily Life

Cellular phones have proved to be an extremely efficient communication device as it has made lives easier. It also reduced distances and brought people together. This assists users in their daily life. Let us explore the importance of mobile phones in our daily life:


Information technology has improved the mobile phones to a great level. Today, with the help of internet, we are able to access various social media sites and apps that help us stay connected with our friends, family and the entire world. The mobile phones also facilitate the user in such a way that they do not need to learn numbers by heart rather can save the details in the phone’s memory which can be accessed with just a click.


Who needs a television or a music system when there are mobile phones around! Mobile phones come with FM radio, inbuilt games and various other apps that entertain us. Moreover, you can download apps of your choice like news apps, health apps, and music apps, etc. that will entertain and inform you. You can also watch videos and movies in your mobile phones.

Daily Utilities 

Mobile phones help us a lot in our daily life. With an internet enabled mobile phone, you can book a cab with the help of various relevant apps. You can also pay your bills with the help of your phone. Also, you can click pictures and use your phone like a camera. Your mobile phone also acts like a compass and navigates you. Such uses of mobile phones are extremely helpful as they help us save our time and money.

Ensures safety

This is one of the most important benefits of using a mobile phone. Mobile phones ensure safety. Also, you can talk to your children and confirm that they have reached safely at their friend’s place or other destination. At the time of emergencies or difficult situations, the mobile phone can be used quickly to get help. Cell phones play a substantial role in the case of emergencies. In case of accidents, fire at home or medical emergencies, etc., the user can inform the relevant authorities with just a click.


A variety of mobile applications are now can be downloaded from Google Playstore which can help people in staying healthy and updated as well as assists in commuting as well. While on the other hand, the standard mobile applications include alarm clocks, converters, and calculators, etc.


Nowadays Mobile phones have become a necessity for human beings. This is the reason that every second individual has his own mobile phone which connects him to the world around him. However, it is a very useful and important device. There are a number of people who misuse this gadget and bring harm to other people. We should remember that it is mainly a device with purpose of communication, but that does not mean that we keep on wasting hours on chatting or through messaging. We should also remember that spending too much time on mobile phones is dangerous as mobile phones emit harmful radiations leading to various diseases.


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